Customer Testimonials

At Autoclave Engineering we pride ourselves on our exceptionally high levels of customer satisfaction. Here are a few testimonials from our customers explaining why they feel happy to put their trust in our hands. Where applicable feel free to click on the [+] next to a quote to read the full client testimonial:

  • An excellent service with a very speedy response time when my autoclave broke down!
        -- Trinity Podiatry Clinic
  • Quick and professional, providing extremely competitive rates coupled with a refreshingly personal approach.
        -- The British Chiropody and Podiatry Association (Scottish Branch)
  • Can only say your service was excellent followed up by clear and detailed documentation which shows everything about the test in graded easy to follow sections as proof of the inspection carried out. Many thanks.
        -- MBCPA
  • I would highly recommend Autoclave Engineering for efficiency, approachability, flexibility and costing.
        -- Tracey Gallacher, Podiatrist
  • I would highly recommend Autoclave engineering to any professional.
        -- Vicky Rankin, Argyll Square Dental Practice
  • I find your work very thorough and carried out in a very professional manner
        -- Margaret L Currie
  • I would highly recommend them to any NHS facility or any other facility for that matter
        -- Archie Bryce, Estates Officer, Victoria Infirmary Hospital Glasgow (NHS)